New msfgui

Edit: the new gui has been integrated into metasploit. Update and enjoy.
Edit: screenshots here: msfgui/
The old msfgui has fallen out of repair, and no longer works on many installs since the right ruby libraries are hard to get and are no longer maintained. But for a number of reasons I still think it's worthwhile to have a gui. (see So I wrote one in Java. You can check out the code with the command
svn checkout msfguijava-read-only
compile and run with netbeans.
Or just download the dist folder here, which I will keep up to date if there's interest, unzip and run the jar.
java -jar msfguiJDesktop.jar
This new msfgui uses the xmlrpc interface to metasploit, and can start a metasploit rpc daemon, or connect to a previously started one. It displays exploits, auxiliary modules and payloads, and can generate payloads, run exploits, see running jobs and kill them, see running sessions, and interact with running shell or meterpreter sessions.

  1. #1 by anonymous on June 13, 2010 - 7:51 pm

    I just test it on Windows 7 (64-bit) with latest update of MFS and it notice that “mfsrpc not found” but when I start MFSPRCD withing MSF Console manualy and use manual connect, it work OK.

  2. #2 by scriptjunkie1 on June 13, 2010 - 9:39 pm

    Download and try again.

    I added %PROGRAMFILES% (x86)MetasploitFramework3bin to the old %PROGRAMFILES%MetasploitFramework3bin search path so if you have 64 bit java it should work now.

  3. #3 by anonymous on June 17, 2010 - 7:08 am


    It’s works under Windows 7 (64-bit) but I have something to notice you.

    In Windows 64-bit edition, It has difference path for program files below

    %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% global variable for Windows 64-bit application, usually mappped to C:Program Files (x86)

    %PROGRAMFILES% global variable for Windows 32-bit application, usually mappped to C:Program Files

    so, I reccommend you to use native global variable “%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%” instead of %”PROGRAMFILES% (x86)”



  4. #4 by scriptjunkie1 on June 17, 2010 - 1:13 pm

    Roger. And that’s what I meant to do.

  5. #5 by James on August 31, 2010 - 5:04 pm

    Wonder if you can help. When running msfgui I get ‘Permission denied exec: msfgui’ Im running Windows 7 x64 and have tried running the msf console with and without admin rights. I also tried chmod 777 to msfgui.

    Any Ideas?

    • #6 by scriptjunkie1 on September 1, 2010 - 10:16 pm

      Try just double-clicking on Metasploit/Framework3/msf3/data/gui/msfgui.jar or for convenience, make a link to that and put it on your desktop. If you have java installed, it should run. Otherwise by command line it’s %PROGRAMFILES%Javajre6binjavaw.exe -jar msfgui.jar depending on where your java executable is.

  6. #7 by amine on December 26, 2010 - 1:24 am

    i see a window and loading in right down side …. sorry for my language … help pls

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